5 Reasons your cat loves to sleep with you

5 Reasons your cat loves to sleep with you

5 Reasons your cat loves to sleep with you

You're in the right place if you want to learn the 5 reasons your cat sleeps with you! But it's crucial to keep in mind that sharing a bed with your cat isn't always the best option. You can find techniques to make your cat sleep in their own bed if you wish to set boundaries.

Many folks find their cat in their bed when it's time to go to sleep. They're not sure why, but their animal companion chooses to sleep close to them practically every night. Do you fall under this category? In actuality, sleeping with a cat can be quite calming and enjoyable, but why do they choose to do so? Your cat sleeps with you for a variety of reasons, including warmth, comfort, and company. Your cat's need for a cuddle is motivated by other factors, though.

1. For the comfort

Cats enjoy being warm. They are always seeking for the cosiest spots to hide and relax, if you look. In any location where the sun is sinking, close to the stove, in between the cushions, etc. So it makes sense that when it's time for bed, your cat catches you and asks you to warm them up so they can be more comfortable.

Even though your cat has long hair, it may not be enough to keep them warm if you live in an extremely cold area. They can have trouble sleeping in various areas of the house. They will like being near to you since your body will act as a radiator. While a cat might prefer to sleep by your side, they might also attempt to perch themselves on top of you. This can be distracting, but if you don't have trouble falling asleep, it can be a good fit for you.

2. Comfort should come first

Cats can sleep for up to 15 hours a day, despite being playful and occasionally highly active. Although they can lay down wherever, a fluffy bed will undoubtedly be more pleasant for them to sleep in. Your cat's desire for comfort is one of the reasons it shares your bed with you.

As we mentioned above, if your cat likes to sleep in the same bed as you, it may not be the most comfortable situation for you. There may be times when the cat wriggles around the bed and, consequently, you in an attempt to feel comfortable. Even if it is on a lower scale, you might want to make sure your cat has a bed that is as comfortable as yours.

3. You offer protection

Cats may appear to be at ease, but they are actually always attentive and may jump at the first unexpected action you take. You undoubtedly think of your cat as a member of the family, thus your relationship with them is very important. In order to feel safer and more at ease, they prefer to sleep beside you. They feel quite safe next to you if they let down their guard and rest at your side.

Cats are crepuscular, contrary to popular belief, which holds that they are nocturnal. This indicates that they are most alert just at dusk. They could want additional security after night falls. One of the reasons cats desire to sleep next to you is a remnant from their wilder days, when they had to be especially cautious when dozing.

4. They are possessive.

Your cat may sleep with you since they believe the bed is theirs and they are the ones who are allowing you to do so. The plus side of this is that your cat is attached to you and trusts you enough to allow you to share their bed.

Territorial behaviour in cats isn't often immediately apparent. It can appear to be a straightforward expression of affection when they push their faces into yours or rub their bodies on your legs. While attachment plays a role, the glands on their face also allow them to leave their fragrance on you. Your cat is claiming both you and your bed as their own when it climbs into bed with you and rubs up against you. Another part of marking is when they attempt to scratch your bedclothes with their claws.

5. They cherish you

Cats can appear to be very alone and antisocial, but that is merely a façade. The truth is that cats enjoy company as well, and they will miss you greatly if you spend a lot of time away from home.

Cats typically lie down together to warm up and feel comfortable. As a result, if you rub, knead, lick, or lie down next to your cat, they will view you as another cat. This is an indication of a secure and loving relationship with your cat.

Is it advisable to sleep beside your cat?

There are pros and cons to sleeping with your cat. Even though your cat may be your best friend, having a cat in your home is not always beneficial to your daily routine, especially if you have trouble sleeping. Scientists have been interested in researching this as well. Anthrozoös published a paper in 2018 that looked into the affects that having dogs in the bed has on people. Further research is required because the result is not conclusive, but they did notice a pattern where people were saying that dogs had less of an adverse effect on sleeping habits than cats.

Advantages and disadvantages of sleeping with your cat.

Cats are "equally as disruptive as human companions, and were associated with poorer emotions of comfort and security than both human and dog bed partners," according to the study. But it also depends on the particular animal. It's possible that certain cats are less inclined than others to get up and sleep in unexpected positions. For instance, some cats prefer to sleep on their owners' heads or feet, while others may be willing to peacefully snooze next to their human friends.

In terms of hygiene, your cat's activities will also be a factor. If your cat spends time outdoors, they could come inside with dirt or even infections. This is not the best thing to bring into bed. Indoor cats are typically better protected, but if you want to let them sleep with you, make sure they have had their vaccinations and dewormings.

Some people have mild allergies to cats, which do not worsen during the day. However, a cat snuggling on your bed could aggravate allergies and make it difficult to sleep.

  • Activity: If your cat is active—or even hyperactive—they can have trouble staying asleep. It might not be the best for them to share a bed if you have to get up early for work.
  • Health: Despite the fact that some cats may be a nuisance, it's vital to remember that cats can actually improve our health and general well-being. Cat owners were "less likely to seek medicine for sleeping issues than non-pet owners," according to one study. Depending on the situation, having a cat sleep next to you can actually improve the quality of your sleep.
  • Bond: Your cat's presence close to you when it sleeps indicates that it is at ease. You and your cat could deepen your relationship by letting them into your bed because it conveys a closeness.
  • Hair: Your cat could moult in bed, especially if it has long hair. If you think this might be a problem, keep in mind that it will happen more frequently while cats are shedding.
A cat may desire to sleep with you for a variety of reasons, and vice versa. If you believe it will be a wise decision for you, that is up to you (and anyone else who might be in the bed at the time!


1 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08927936.2018.1529354

2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3408111/

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